Right - approaching post flu fitness - so back to the matter in hand. I work in a cyclical manner ( just listen to me) - something to do with a low boredom threshold I fear. The most recent art form to receive my attention has been painting. I've been daubing canvasses and such in a creative frenzy - when they're completed, I'll pop a few on here for public viewing.
Now the book and CD are out - I'm moving back into the poetry field - my stuff's at www.simoncheetham.com . I played a few gigs in the Summer - to mixed reviews, it must be said. I did a couple of comedy clubs, but it just wasn't me. Everyone else on the bill would have sold their grandmother to get a laugh - my curmudgeonly world weary persona with extra misanthropism did not endear me to either my fellow performers or some( most) of the audience. I also performed as an opening act to some rock bands - where I fared much better. Anyway, the point is, I'm back on the poetry track at the moment - indeed I'm just completing the masterpiece that is " George Michael's Getting Married ( To A Bloke)" - I'll post the finished work up here soon.
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