Do we need Pop Stars to tell us what to do? You may, my old china - but I bloody well don't. I watched that Madonna documentary last night on Channel Four - "I Want To Tell You A Secret" . Now don't get me wrong, she's a lovely girl etc. But dear me, when she wasn't banging on about Kabbalah she was chastising anyone within earshot with her home-spun "Political" message - something about being nice to one another and that - and lo behold anyone who didn't immediately pat her on the back and tell her that she is indeed , spot on about it all.
It got me thinking - there's Bono of course, Geldof - and now that studenty looking bloke from The Coldplay - all mad keen on telling us what to do. I'm a big fan of Patti Smith - always go to see her when she turns up in London - but I'm afraid, she's another one - Patti loves a rant about war, hunger, the price of fish. Last night Madonna was berating one of her dancers about him not being registered to vote - so the poor lad rushed out, registered - then returned to ask for guidance on who to vote for. Big Michael Moore was also on hand with advice for the feeble minded. Me, I haven't voted since the early 1990's - just think how different the world would be today if I'd actually got down to the polling booth.
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