No-one said it was going to be easy. This is the ongoing story of The Disco Students - from Aylesbury 1978 to today, now.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

The Live in New York CD has arrived . The fifth Disco Students release, it will "officially" be let loose into the community next month - it is labelled 2005.
We had our first rehearsal with Jon Greenough last week - more to come.
The early plans for 2005 is the recording of a new CD - and some live dates - probably at the end of February.
I've treated myself to a digital recording unit and a Korg MS000 - as used by The Fall, I'm informed - the idea being to create close to finished product from here, my very own room.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Jon Greenough is back. The Disco Students guitarist from 1980-82+ returns to the cause.
Our first rehearsal with the new line-up will be soon.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

One thing that has crossed my mind as I write this blog is "Does anyone actually read this?"
Perhaps, as an experiment you'd email me at and just say, "Yeah- I do".
Well, I've got the test pressing from the CD company - and it sounds good. There's a few bits and pieces to finish on the cover, then "9-8/9/10/11" will be ready for release.

Friday, November 05, 2004

We're a man down. After the performance at POP on Tuesday night, Kevin our guitarist told me he was leaving the group.
You've picked a fine time to leave me Lucille.
We have the Live in New York CD ready for release next week, and plans are already being made for the recording of "Most Handsome Man On TV" and "Mark E Smith's Dead" as well as "The Homecoming" gig in Aylesbury on 7th January.
Initially, I was in two minds what to do - to pull the plug on The Disco Students and call it a day? Or say "Bollocks - let's get on with it".
I have chosen the latter.
We had always said if one of us felt they needed a break - that would be fine - we'd simply put the Disco Students on the back burner for a few weeks.
It is such a bloody waste - all the work, money and time we've all put in to write the new material and hone it into a tight, energetic set.
But there we are - The Disco Students will continue!!

Monday, November 01, 2004

There's a bit of a hold up regarding the pressing of the new CD. The people in Scotland who are working on it are all down with flu and lost voices. Oh well, I'm sure they'll soon be cured and things will be working normally again. We play at POP in Soho Street tomorrow night - Tuesday 2nd November. We return a month after a 3 man DS had to make excuses and leave.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

9-8/9/10/11 - The Disco Students Live in New York 2004 - uhhuh5, will be released in just over a week. The sleeve looks great - done in the style of a New York subway sign. I went down to Sudbury last week, to the House of Sound - a small studio run by New Zealander Campbell Downie. We spent a few hours tidying the recording up - and it sounds good to me.
My friend John Catlett has done the cover - all very nice.
So, we await the results - the master and the artwork have been sent up to Muirhead in Scotland for pressing. More news soon!

Friday, October 22, 2004

Been bit of a strange time at Lake Disco Student. A spot of the old internals - but now all is ok.
We had to cancel the gig at Eyelash @ POP - at the very last moment. The live CD from New York is in the process of being released - should be out in a couple of weeks. I'm really pleased with it , it's a tad rough and ready, but I think it is far more representative of The Disco Students than the GLD EP was.
We're now looking at recording our next studio record - "The Most Handsome Man On TV" and "Mark E. Smith's Dead" look like being two of the tracks with one other.

Friday, October 08, 2004

It's going to be a busy Autumn for The Disco Students. The live New York CD - "9/" is going to contain eight songs - from our performance at Pianos on 9th September. Hopefully,it'll be out in a month or so. We've lined up four more dates for October and November and we're planning to go into a studio to record a new three track CD. Looks like "Most Handsome Man on TV" and "Mark E. Smith's Dead" will definitely be included, with one extra song to be decided upon. We had to pull out of our gig at Eyelash at POP last week - the first time The Disco Students have ever had to cancel. We're also looking at playing at The Limelight Theatre in Aylesbury on 7th January - "The Homecoming".

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Back from New York - a really good trip. CBGB's is really unique - although the place was far from full, the atmosphere are feel of the place is amazing. The ghosts of Johnny Thunders and the spirit of Patti Smith looked over us. The other three dates, Piano's, Siberia and The Continental were great as well. We recorded a couple of the performances abd now we're planning a three track live EP to commemorate the visit. The other bands and indeed the people at the venues all made us very welcome - making it a successful visit. Away from the clubs we used the days to do all the usual NYC tourist stuff. Who knows, we may well return one day.

Monday, September 06, 2004

We're getting it together. Three really good performances in a row - Salisbury, Marquee Hertford and yesterday at The Rock Garden. We've trimmed the deadwood from the songs - introduced a band new song "Mark E Smith's Dead" and brought back "Lake Superior " - from 1982.
The sampler is working well as is the megaphone .
Off to New York tomorrow for four nights - just read a preview in The Village Voice - we're old, smug and full of Brit-Wit , they're spot on.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

A good performance at The Old Ale House, Salisbury . So good ,
the local newspaper The Salisbury Echo thought we were "not bad" - hey, hey !
The gig saw the debut of the sampler , which worked well.
We've taken the editing scissors to the set, cutting off the fleshy bits - we're now left with a tight, no-nonsense collection of songs - and we're about to add a couple of new compositions.
"Mark E. Smith's Dead" and "My Favourite Slit" could well make into the set for our next run of dates.
Another thing we're looking at is arranging a performance in Aylesbury - I'm visiting a couple of venues this week to see if it's feasible.
This coming Thursday we're at The Marquee in Hertford .

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

It's not only the football season that begins this week - The Disco Students commence a new season, having rested for a couple of months. We play tomorrow night at The Old Ale House in Salisbury - and the performance sees the debut of the sampler - just a couple of decades behind everyone else, we tip our toes into the technological waters.
Morale is high in the DS camp, we have three dates confirmed before our trip to New York, and there's talk of some kind of link up with Lauren Harries. For those who are unaware, Lauren was once James, the precocious antiques "expert" who , briefly in the late 80's and early 90's amazed TV viewers ( me included) with his , well, I don't know quite what.
Predictably, he had a sex-change operation and is now Lauren. The Disco Students have taken the liberty of using her image on our new posters - and we have contacted her to see if she'd be up for a touch of multi-media cross pollenation - you know the kind of thing. We'll see.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

I've been listening to The Idiot by Iggy Pop - almost non stop for a week. Why? Who knows?
Once, when I lived in my first flat - I awoke one morning and just HAD to have some milk.
I walked bloody miles to buy a carton, and drank it down greedily. Something to do with the body telling the brain it was lacking in calcium ( so a friend told me - sounds reasonable).
Perhaps, my "The Idiot" phase is in a similar envelope. I used to play it a lot when I was 19 - maybe I just like to think I'm 19 again. Nothing wrong with that I suppose.
Well, we're nearing the end of our Summer rest - and we're ready for a new musical season.
I've got a feeling we've got something up our sleeves.

Monday, July 05, 2004

Being an undiscovered genius - it seems so obvious, that I would one day write a song "Undiscovered Genius".
We're into our second year as Disco Students II - and so, time to take stock. Yes, we're back - and now it's time we stepped up the pace. We've taken a break for a few weeks - a good move, we do not want to turn into one of those "Hardest Working Groups In Town". We have rested, now we will create . More news soon.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Strange occurence in the Kimble Tandoori last night.
Went down to get a take away - Chicken Bhunna , Madras hot - since you're asking.
Anyway, went to the counter to announce my arrival to the affable Mr Khan - and as is his want, he let me have a "quick half on the house" - always much appreciated.
There, sitting on the sofa , awaiting a table were a hideous foursome of middle aged "rock folk". Clearly a ghastly band of some kind. Smoking like chimneys, drinking lager and discussing the "merits" of their vile musical allegiance.
Now, Kimble Tandoori is not the biggest of places - these fools were just inches from me.
Oh , I wish you'd been there too - just to hear their nonsense!
"Josh Stone - mindblowing" , " We really do rock" - honestly, this was just some of their drivel.
But then, as they were being wheeled in to their table - one of their number had the audacity to whisper into my ear " You can stop listening now, mate".
What I should have done of course, was punch the biggest of the fuckers in the mouth and told them I was a Disco Student.
The fucking cheek and bare brass neck of these idiots.
Just the idea that they felt I was eavesdropping enviously on their vulgar empty-headed chit chat mabe me bileous.
We, the Disco Students, could knock their miserable impotent creations into a cocked hat.
Oh yeah, and one of them was trying to look like Roger Daltrey.
Utter wankers.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

I'm in the process of putting together the trip to New York.
End of August - looks like we'll be playing three dates.
Not easy - a bit like one of those games you get in a Christmas cracker - getting all the balls in their respective holes.
No? , oh well - you should get better crackers.
I've just written a song called "Ear, Nose & Throat" - a love song.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

We're moving into a new phase - a lull on the gig front, somewhat due to my business interests! Well, I can't be in two places at one time, and like us all - I need to put bread on the table.
The planning for the New York trip is going well - it looks like we'll be going out there at the end of August to play 3 dates.
We're going to record our next CD - but where and when has yet to be decided.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

We're starting to think about the recording of our next CD. Another 4 track EP - the process of deciding what songs will be included has begun.
At rehearsal the other night, I brought along two new songs - "The North Is Bad" and "The Kitchen Sink Discotheque 23.04.04". I think both are really good - somewhat different from the material we have produced before. The KSD song is , obviously, a record of our trip to Manchester and includes the chorus "Tara Mascara has gone and lost her headphones".
"The North Is Bad" is chock full of melodies and hooks. Both will be contenders for the new CD.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Back from Manchester where we played at The Kitchen Sink Disco. A really great night. The two other bands on the bill, The Retro Spankees and Stazi were by far the best we've played with. One thing I have noticed is just how homogenised the other groups we have played with have been. On Friday at the KSD there was a real feeling of innovation and energy. Maybe it is just the London "scene" - but the groups we have shared bills with in the capital - apart from a couple of exceptions - have been predictable and dull. Good musicians, no doubt - but sooooo boring. We pride ourselves on our originality and downright oddness - it was nice to share a bill with fellow pioneers.
We're now thinking about the recording of our next CD - aiming for a late summer release.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

A friend who saw us at The Telegraph in Brixton has let me know that Sophie Ellis-Bextor was in the building as we performed. There was talk of us, at one stage, attempting a cover version of "Murder On The Dance Floor" - Ms E-B is currrently heavily pregnant ( Oh no) - perhaps witnessing our version of her song could have broken both her heart and her waters.
Preparations are now afoot for our trip to Manchester, our first venture outside London. I have , after three attempts, now settled on a sampler - a Roland JS 30 to be exact. This one cost me just £70 and seems to be perfect for our needs.

Friday, April 16, 2004

It's been a quiet week at Lake DiscoStudents. The gig at The Telegraph that produced a neat, strong set and an argument. And to top it all - the website Punk and Oi reviewed our CD. Now, they give marks out of 5 for the records they review. What do you think we got ? 3 ? 2 ? 1 ? No. 0.
0 out of 5 . That's relegation form.
I can only presume they are idiots.
By the way, I've written a new song "The North Is Bad" - rather fetching if I say so myself.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Last night we played The Telegraph in Brixton. We played a strong tight set , but the place was empty. Not a complete surprise really, a Wednesday night south of the river. After we play in Manchester next week we'll then take another look at the gig situation . I feel we've now played enough dates to have got back into it - so we'll be a little more selective about where we appear.
The performance itself was a little stilted - mainly due to a couple of disagreements between myself and Richard. Oh yes, it was like 1980 all over again.

Monday, April 12, 2004

It's interesting to read what others think about the group. We've been described in the various listings magazines as "funsters", "Punksters" and "a waggish indie troupe" - all fine by me. The Kitchen Sink Disco have put out a press release to Manchester radio stations etc saying The Disco Students are fronted by "the firey but playful" Simon.
We're playing at The Telegraph in Brixton this coming Wednesday - but due to various commitments we have been unable to rehearse since our Bull & Gate appearance.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

The morning after our appearance at The Bull & Gate. A rather pressurised place to play. With four groups on the bill, there is a feel of being on a conveyor belt. I was a few minutes late to the stage, so straight away we were told we'd have to drop a song - "South Africa House" had to be axed. That atmosphere infected our whole performance. We did play well however , sold a few CDs and received a number of plaudits from the audience, so perhaps it was just me.

Saturday, April 03, 2004

We play the Bull and Gate in Kentish Town tonight. It did look as if we were going to be featured in "The Guardian" - the journalist contacted me and was very positive - promising an article in yesterday's edition. Yes, you're already ahead of me - oh well, maybe next time.
Kevin has been working hard on the website amd is getting better all the time.
For tonight's performance, "I ain't been with no prostitute" has been dropped , and there has been mixed feelings about my use of a big bra. I'm an artist - the bra stays.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

I went to see Patti Smith last night ( 17.03.04) at ULU, Mallet Street. I've been a big fan since first seeing her at The Rainbow in 1978, and always try to catch her live when she plays in London.
I bumped into Sean from the High Llamas - who used to be in Microdisney. I've only met him twice before - and both previous times were at Patti Smith gigs.
The last time I saw her she did go on a bit with her poetry. Now don't get me wrong I do like a bit of poetry. Hang on a minute, I've just read that last sentence back. No, I don't like poetry.
But when I saw she was playing a "spoken word" concert the following night, I was encouraged.
Sure enough, she was great. A few too many inter-song rants about Bush/Irag etc - but very nice all the same.
One thing about going to see Patti is I come away feeling a million dollars - and not just because of her songs. She manages to attract quite the most badly dressed audience I've ever had the misfortune to stand amongst.
It has crossed my mind to have a go at covering "Ask The Angels" - it sounded ok as I sang it to myself walking back to Marylebone station.

Saturday, March 13, 2004

Quite an eventful day, yesterday - Friday 12th March. We were featured on BBC Radio 5's "Drive" show. As previously mentioned, "Gay Lorry Drivers" begins and ends with a recording of Jo-Anne Sale reading some traffic news.
Well, they were interested enough to invite Jon in for a chat. Jon was on top form -he came across really well, and they played a good chunk of "GLD".
In the evening we played at The Hope & Anchor in Islington. Another strong performance. I have taken to printing out a few lyric books and handing them out at gigs, last night it was interesting to see quite a few observers following our progress on stage whilst reading the words. is very near to completion - there is a vast section dedicated to our songs - words, beats per minutes, explanations of what inspired the words etc. Very impressive.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

We played The Buffalo Bar in Islington last night . First outing for "The Most Handsome Man on TV" - the set went well. That was our fourth gig, and we're getting stronger all the time. The night also saw a debut for a great big bra - I believe we are one of the only groups currently operating who use such a device as a stage prop .You wait, in six months, they'll all be doing it . The performance was digitally recorded, we are going to listen to the result and possibly release a couple of the live tracks on our next CD. We are awaiting the first reviews of "Gay Lorry Drivers" - copies are currently being sent out to the press and radio stations. A night of rest and reflection tonight, then we're back in Islington tomorrow at The Hope & Anchor.

Friday, March 05, 2004

The CD is released. Later than anticipated, but it's here. It looks and sounds great - it's a Mandy Rice-Davies situation.
A great rehearsal last evening - we'll be introducing "The Most Handsome Man On TV" at The Buffalo Bar on Wednesday night.
An interesting development is that Jon has contacted BBC Radio5's Jo Sale .
"Now why would he do that ?" you may ask. Well, it's like this. "Gay Lorry Drivers" begins and ends with a sample of Traffic News culled from Radio 5, and of course it's Jo's informative tones that we used.
Ms Sale has agreed to assist us in promoting the record , and so a photo shoot had been arranged for next week.
And finally, we plan to play in New York in November. The CD has been posted ( or mailed as they say over there ) and we await NY's reaction to the possibility of another British Invasion.

Sunday, February 29, 2004

Returned safe and sound from a trip south of the river. For the first time, we had a good sound. Easy, I know, to make excuses - but having rehearsed in one environment, then playing live in another - it does make a big difference. The previous two shows lacked a decent P.A. - last night we had one , and we made it count. "Gay Lorry Drivers" inspired an outbreak of dancing amongst the audience. Our best performance, by far.
Another positive - we were featured today in The Daily Star On Sunday. The article carrying the story that we are planning a Euro 2004 release. The title - "We're All Portugeezers" - all Kevin's work.
This week is a big one - the CD out on Thursday - the full website launched.

Friday, February 27, 2004

A date at The Hope & Anchor, Islington has just been confirmed - Friday 12th March, we're on at 9pm. The H&A is one of those venues I remember reading about in NME back in the good old days. Never been there myself, should be interesting. Bit of a mini Islington tour as we're at The Buffalo Bar on the previous Wednesday - we thought of staying in Islington for the three nights but couldn't face all that ciabatta and sun dried tomatoes.
The big medical news is that I've managed to pick up an ear infection. Fancy that, and so young. I'm glad it has been diagnosed, as at last night's rehearsal I had trouble hearing the PA despite the levels being turned up to maximum. It did cross my mind that I was becoming deaf and a Donald Pleasance/Great Escape scenario with the rest of the group was on the cards.
Oh well, it's an early night for The Disco Students as we're at The Half Moon tomorrow.

Monday, February 23, 2004

This coming Saturday we travel down to Herne Hill to play at The Half Moon. William, who runs the night seems to have his finger on the button - we're on third of a four band bill. The press release states "The Disco Students venture south with their perfect pop".
'Tis true, I suppose - I've always felt that whatever style of music there must be a melody , there just has to be a tune .
I received one of those mass emails today - they promise to increase one's penis by a good few inches. Don't get me wrong, I don't suppose any of us would mind that - but does it work I wonder ? And if so, how ? Anyway, the title of the email was interesting , the subject read "Easygoing Barber". Mmmm, I thought, what a great title for a song.....

Thursday, February 19, 2004

A bout of frantic songwriting has just occured - and I feel all the better for it. "Writer and Broadcaster" , "The Bird in Belle & Sebastian",
"When The Young Are All Old" and "I Could Never Love A Girl With Bad Handwriting" have all appeared on paper. We'll soon knock them into shape. On another note, I am about to take delivery of a Groovebox. No, it's not what you think.
We've been thinking of using samples when we play live - the soon to be released CD contains a number - and the idea of using technology, particularly the kind associated with another style of music appeals. Might be a harpsichord next, or a lute.
The one problem I foresee is when we do play live, I'll be responsible for actually working the sampler/groovebox. I tend to get so involved in what's going on onstage, that I fear samples blasting away here there and everywhere. We'll see.
By the way, in case you're wondering - oli was poured on the stormy water/rehearsal studio situation. Peace has broken out.

Friday, February 13, 2004

Ah ! Our first review. From the MonkeyBoy Promotions website - A music lover who saw us at The Flag thinks the group should " Get rid of the camp guy singer - send him back to the corner he came from ."
He then somewhat blots his copybook by heaping praise on the folk group who headlined.
For a moment I thought of posting a message saying things like " The Disco Students were MUCH better than the folk group - and the singer is NOT camp. He's tough as old boots and would beat YOU in a fight any day of the week".
But then they can trace I.P. addresses and such these days - so it would all come out in the wash .

After six months of constant progress, we hit our first "problem" the other night. Our rehearsal studio is managed by the most ignorant meathead known to man - and sooner or later, something was going to give.
The charmless one succeeded in provoking a situation with us, and Richard was quite prepared to deal with it in the manner it needed.
Twenty years ago, the idiot from the studio would have been in A&E, and we would have been searching for a new rehearsal space.
Ah, the wisdom of experience.
We all calmed down and will treat the fool with the contempt he deserves.
Another frustration is the release of the CD - but it looks now if we'll have it ready for release in the next ten days.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

A burst of activity on the gig front - 3 dates confirmed today - Saturday 28th February we will be playing at The Half Moon in Herne Hill, Saturday 3rd April we're at The Bull & Gate in Kentish Town - and Friday 23rd April The Kitchen Sink Disco in Manchester. Add to this the date at The Buffalo Bar and we've got four good gigs ahead.
Progess too on the distribution front for the CD - more news here soon.
We're now just waiting to get the CDs ready and we're off and running.
You'll be able to order a CD from this site - I'll post details here next week.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

The day after the night before - our second live performance of the new era at The Flag, Watford . Despite a few technical problems, and a rather less than perfect sound - we performed an eight song set - "Chrysler Building 1976" making its first appearance in place of "Kafkaesque" .
We were the middle group of a rather eclectic bill - we followed a three piece power trio bedecked in matching red wigs, and preceded a peace and love acoustic folk outfit. Well catholic.
All in all we were pleased with our set, and there does seem to be a Disco Student following beginning to blossom.
We wait now for the CD to be released.

Saturday, January 24, 2004

We've chosen the cover for the EP - very smart. All being well, we'll have the CDs in a couple of weeks - news of how you can hold of a copy will be posted on the website. Talking of which, will be firing on all cylinders in a few days.
Preparations now for our next live appearance at The Flag, Watford on Tuesday 3rd February. We're on stage at around 10.15pm - a late night for us.
Songwriting continues, new material is being created all the time. "Anti-Gay" and "First Day Out Of Jail" can now take their rightful place
in our set.
We'll have more news of a number of live gigs soon and it looks as if we'll be playing in Manchester sometime in April.

Friday, January 16, 2004

Two live dates for the group have been confirmed. We play The Flag at Watford on Tuesday 3rd February and The Buffalo Bar in Upper Street, Islington on Wednesday 10th March.
There will be more dates announced soon.
New songs keep arriving , "We're All On Drugs" and "Do You Want To Be,Be, My B,B,Baby?" and "Lend Me A Scrubber" have just been put through their paces.
A decision has to made regarding the cover of the CD - I think we've found what we've been looking for.

Sunday, January 11, 2004

We've definitely now moved into Phase 2. With the CD now safely recorded and a set of songs written and rehearsed we have moved on to writing and working on new material. We have burst into 2004 on a creative high, with no less than 5 songs now near to completion.
"The Chrysler Building 1976", "Black Girlfriend" and "We're All Gonna Die" have been with us for a few weeks, and they are now nearly completed.
Personally, I feel "Black Girlfriend" to be our finest song.
What was great at our last rehearsal was how we created two new songs almost spontaneously. "The Most Handsome Man on T.V" and "First Day Out Of Jail" came about in a sort of electric storm. I wrote the former song, well, lyrics and melody , in the bath, less than an hour before the rehearsal.
Six months in a Welsh Cottage to get your shit together before writing a concept album ? Bollocks to all that.
There's no doubting the fact we are onto something here.

Saturday, January 03, 2004

And so into 2004. The group have enjoyed a break over the Christmas period, but we are back writing and rehearsing later this week.
New songs written over the past couple of weeks are "Frustrated Film-Maker",
"The Metropolitan Line", "In Search Of A Good Haircut" and "Boyish Girl".
The aim is to now press ahead and create new material.
The CD is being pressed, and we're now thinking of the artwork and sleeve design.
We're looking for some live dates to tie-in with the CD release, hopefully some London gigs will be announced soon.