No-one said it was going to be easy. This is the ongoing story of The Disco Students - from Aylesbury 1978 to today, now.

Friday, February 13, 2004

After six months of constant progress, we hit our first "problem" the other night. Our rehearsal studio is managed by the most ignorant meathead known to man - and sooner or later, something was going to give.
The charmless one succeeded in provoking a situation with us, and Richard was quite prepared to deal with it in the manner it needed.
Twenty years ago, the idiot from the studio would have been in A&E, and we would have been searching for a new rehearsal space.
Ah, the wisdom of experience.
We all calmed down and will treat the fool with the contempt he deserves.
Another frustration is the release of the CD - but it looks now if we'll have it ready for release in the next ten days.

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