No-one said it was going to be easy. This is the ongoing story of The Disco Students - from Aylesbury 1978 to today, now.

Friday, March 05, 2004

The CD is released. Later than anticipated, but it's here. It looks and sounds great - it's a Mandy Rice-Davies situation.
A great rehearsal last evening - we'll be introducing "The Most Handsome Man On TV" at The Buffalo Bar on Wednesday night.
An interesting development is that Jon has contacted BBC Radio5's Jo Sale .
"Now why would he do that ?" you may ask. Well, it's like this. "Gay Lorry Drivers" begins and ends with a sample of Traffic News culled from Radio 5, and of course it's Jo's informative tones that we used.
Ms Sale has agreed to assist us in promoting the record , and so a photo shoot had been arranged for next week.
And finally, we plan to play in New York in November. The CD has been posted ( or mailed as they say over there ) and we await NY's reaction to the possibility of another British Invasion.

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