Review of the Black Girlfriend record by seasoned rock journalist Mick Mercer - from www.mickmercer.com:
THE DISCO STUDENTS MY BLACK GIRLFRIEND Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!”They’re making a documentary, about what she sees in me.” A filleted sound with a scratchy energy stuffed into the languid pace of the opening title track almost makes me think of Terry Hall making a good record (I never understood why reviewers praised his turgid Post-Funboy 3 dross) so that’s an irritatingly good start. Their obvious lyrical strength being matched by the music is a step on from the previous records they’d sent me, where the music struggled to play catch up with obvious humour, or was a decorative accessory, but now they have an edge. Twice they include a ‘version’: the punctilious, slippery ‘Mark E. Smith’s Dead’ attacking with a gloriously scabby guitar sound, then a suitably gormless ‘The Most Handsome Man On TV’ wobbling along.‘Kitchen Sink Disco’ is an engagingly shite piece, smearing memories over a psychotic mixture of rhythmical notions, where the bland feeling slowly envelops you, unpleasantly, which is a clever move. ‘My Secretary’ has one glorious line, ”she makes my appointments, she covers me in ointment” but I don’t think we need go there. A simple plinking tune which clomps along with occasionally fading samples of Peel talking about them on his show and using the word terrific, this is another oddly affecting piece, where ‘Nice Little Bust’ is just a chirpy bit of bluster, with lustre. (“I’ve seen your nice little bust, caress it I must.”) Along with the perverse observations the music also manages to clamp down hard on the imagination, and when ‘My Lesbian Sister’ finishes with a dark, throbbing beat and scary keyboards wings, seriously moody, full of sound despite its naff end, it has to be said that whenever the album appears it now threatens to be rather special.http://www.discostudents.com/
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