I was out of the house for short time yesterday ( Christmas Day) - when I came back it was clear one or even more of the Sues had been back to pick up some of their stuff. I didn't realise they still had a key, but this looks to be the case. I believe they sit in their car on the hill at the back of the house - from there they can see me coming and going.
who's your favourite - gilbert or george?
they sleep together in a big wooden bed,
they eat ham and eggs, ham and eggs.
send dry cleaning , send dry cleaning,
get their teeth done by a dentist.
someone's pissed up against their door,
pushed a free newspaper through their letterbox
a do-gooder got a petition going,
started a rumour there was community charge owing.
they never cooks meals, did you know that?
always eat in cafes, where did I read that?
they won't go out of the country you know,
in case they're not allowed back in.
they got a dog with three legs, dog with three legs.
got a grant from the council, keeps their fees down.
they got a dog with three legs, dog with three legs.
they turned down an opportunity,
to join the witness protection programme.
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