Aylesbury Goes Flaccid! - the compilation LP that pre Disco Students group The Haircuts were featured on is being released on CD next month. Fancy that.
Here's the pre release information:
Back in 1978, as Punk was hitting its commercial peak, budding young entrepreneur Chris France was promoting local bands & gigs in the AYLESBURY area. These bands all wanted record deals, and one day Chris worked out that if 14 groups all agreed to buy 30 albums containing their track and 13 others, it would more than pay for itself (by all accounts he had to turn down Marillion, as they wouldn’t guarantee their 30 units!). The portents looked promising: the album was favourably reviewed in Sounds and they were promised a review in NME. But when they went up to the NME offices with a couple of thugs hired from the Ugly Model Agency, and confronted Tony Parsons, they freaked, failed to see the funny side, and the LP was subsequently blackballed! (clearly, the Spirit of Punk was too much for the fearless NME!!). Anyway, journo Kris Needs was the singer in the Vice Creems; The Man Ezeke went on to present a Reggae show on Radio 1; Pete Trewavas (later bassist with Marillion) played with Redwood; one of The Anal Surgeons became a GP, Wild Willy Barrett went on to team up with John Otway; Robins’ guitarist Robin Boult joined Mud; post-Punk writer/poet/Disco Student Simon Cheetham had been in The Haircuts; and Chris France went on to form Music Of Life Records. Aylesbury Rocks!!!
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