I missed the BBC2 John Betjeman show the other night - I was out and about celebrating a wedding anniversary. Yeah, mine. Well - not just mine.
So, pleased to see it was repeated tonight. Watched it with glass of wine and loved it.
So many things I like. The rugged sea - JB loved Cornwall, I'm a Dorset man myself. Loved his unpretensiousness ( i haven't got my dictionary to hand so that may be spelt wrongly : but hey, we're all artists) - his nice streak of melancholy, eccentricity, englishness. All very good. I recall I had the opportunity to study him whilst at school - but, because I was who I was then , declined - and spent the time , generally wasting time. Well, that's what you do when you're a spotty self obsessed punk rocker. Also, the show was presented by Rick Stein - who I like, and with him Chalky, the Jack Russell.
I realise I'm drifting off into middle England dinner party territory here - but I too, am the "master" of a Jack Russell - so there were a number of common threads.
I will watch the remaining programmes with interest.
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