Just started to record the first all-new Disco Students CD of the new era. And the retrospective CD isn't even out . Got to get everything done before I drop down dead.
The first song is "Who's Your Favourite Slit?" - it was originally a poem, one that I performed at the live dates I did last summer. I've since set the little devil to music.
Ari Up, Ari Up, Ari Up, Hurry Up,
I can't take no more,
We've gotta keep the noise down,
Palmolive's at the door.
Your favourite Slit,
Who's your favourite Slit, your favourite Slit?
Eaten me for breakfast, a naive provincial boy,
Kept me as a mascot, kept me like a toy.
Made me do the errands, sent me out for tea,
I did all their washing, that was all down to me.
I squatted and I squatted like I'd never squat before,
I took to my new bohemian life one step ahead of the law,
I shared a morning postal round with Vic Godard,
I met some Rastaferians in their lovely yard.
I told them, I warned them they would catch their death,
Standing around in November covered in mud in Hammersmith,
I told them, I warned them this could not go on.
For a while, I was very keen on Viv Albertine,
Yeah, I was very keen on Viv Albertine.