No-one said it was going to be easy. This is the ongoing story of The Disco Students - from Aylesbury 1978 to today, now.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

'I Remain Your Obedient Servant' is the title of the latest Disco Students release.There'll be 12 songs -and I'm aiming for an October/November release.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

I've been preparing for a new bout of writing and recording - I can only work in cycles. A tend to have a few months painting- as The Timid Proud One - then doing stuff under the Bugger's Muddle banner, then carrying on with my new book project ( The Life and Times of Dudley Chambers). I've just had a few months concentrating on my allotment - just to clear the mind. But now I'm back to music - 'Hooray' scream tens of thousands of Teeny-Boppers. A new song "When Girls Sleep" is up on the DS MySpace site. I'm singing in a kind of anti-singing style - yes, more so than normal.
More to come.

Look at this. A dish from my vegetable allotment. yum.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Disco Student stuff comes up quite often on eBay - I've seen all the records on there, as well as the "Aylesbury Goes Flaccid" LP. But this is the first time I've seen a DS badge. I haven't seen one of these for years - and at £2.90 I may well snap it up.

I've been very busy with various projects - including some new paintings, creating an organic vegetable garden ( which is now producing fine crops for all the disco students) and working on a new music thing which may be called either "me,me,me" or "yeah!vaccine" .
Anyway, it has come to my attention that the DS have been included on a compilation put together by one of the contributors to the Fall forum.
Unsurprisingly, the song "Mark E.Smith's Dead" has been included. Actually, this song is now named "Song for Mark E.Smith" but they didn't know that.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Written some new stuff for a side project called 'Bugger's Muddle' - the stuff is on myspace, easy to find. Seem to be suffering from some weird kind of agrophobia at the moment. It will pass and I will again take my place in busy society.

Monday, March 03, 2008

You know when you have a song buzzing around your head all day? Today I couldn't shake off "The Girl Who Waves At Trains" by The Lilac Time (Stephen Duffy). I hadn't played it for years. On hearing it again, I searched for young Duffy on the internet. He seems to have turned into an earnest anti-war recycling chap, with a nice pretentious streak running through him. He , apparently spent last Sunday morning reading 'Ulysses'( I can't even spell it, let alone read the fucker) and Alan Ginsberg poems.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Something that has always confused me ...
How come BBC always produce the best TV programmes?
You see, as ITV is financed by advertising revenue - presumably something akin to a bottomless pit, one would imagine ITV would have the wit, wisdom and cash to woo the best in British TV talent. Not so.
Many folk complain about the BBC, not me.
I would go on, but I'm tired, so I must retire.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I met Alan Bennett today - he visited my business. We had a thoroughly entertaining conversation ( at least I thought it so). Subjects discussed : Maggie Smith/Morrissey /Jimmy Clitheroe. What a nice man,