No-one said it was going to be easy. This is the ongoing story of The Disco Students - from Aylesbury 1978 to today, now.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Strange occurence in the Kimble Tandoori last night.
Went down to get a take away - Chicken Bhunna , Madras hot - since you're asking.
Anyway, went to the counter to announce my arrival to the affable Mr Khan - and as is his want, he let me have a "quick half on the house" - always much appreciated.
There, sitting on the sofa , awaiting a table were a hideous foursome of middle aged "rock folk". Clearly a ghastly band of some kind. Smoking like chimneys, drinking lager and discussing the "merits" of their vile musical allegiance.
Now, Kimble Tandoori is not the biggest of places - these fools were just inches from me.
Oh , I wish you'd been there too - just to hear their nonsense!
"Josh Stone - mindblowing" , " We really do rock" - honestly, this was just some of their drivel.
But then, as they were being wheeled in to their table - one of their number had the audacity to whisper into my ear " You can stop listening now, mate".
What I should have done of course, was punch the biggest of the fuckers in the mouth and told them I was a Disco Student.
The fucking cheek and bare brass neck of these idiots.
Just the idea that they felt I was eavesdropping enviously on their vulgar empty-headed chit chat mabe me bileous.
We, the Disco Students, could knock their miserable impotent creations into a cocked hat.
Oh yeah, and one of them was trying to look like Roger Daltrey.
Utter wankers.